2022: Elisabeth (Liesje) Schreinemacher

On January 10, 2022, Liesje Schreinemacher (VVD) was sworn in as the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Rutte IV cabinet.

Liesje Schreinemacher 

From 2019 until her swearing-in as minister, Schreinemacher was a member of the European Parliament, where she focused on international trade, the internal market, and consumer protection. She also has experience as a political assistant to Johan Remkes and Jeanine Hennis. 


The coalition agreement expresses the ambition to increase the development cooperation budget by a structural €500 million. This would bring development cooperation expenditures to 0.65% of the Gross National Income, approaching the international norm of 0.7%. 

The increased spending is intended to be allocated to the global vaccination program COVAX, climate mitigation and adaptation, and regional reception. 

