De canon in Google Earth


Canon in Google EarthDave LePoire (Argonne, IL, USA) heeft een Google Earth-toepassing ontwikkeld onder de naam A Virtual tour of Dutch History waarin ook de canon is verwerkt.

Ter toelichting schrijft hij: I thoroughly enjoyed your website on the Netherlands canon. I am fascinated with Dutch history because of both it's leadership and personal ties (almost all my ancestors came from the Elburg area, my French last name is the result of a Huguenot escaping to the Netherlands). I am also fascinated with the capabilities of Google Earth to present sites and landscapes. I put together (for fun) a "Virtual Tour of Dutch History" of 101 sites- many motivated by your canon. Each site has some text from a web site, a link for further information, and a linked image. The current resolution of the Netherlands in Google Earth is wonderful, e.g., the Hunebeds can be seen.