To implement the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, countries were encouraged to prepare a National Action Plan 1325. The government, civil society and knowledge institutions, in total 18 partners, worked together to prepare the first National Action Plan 1325 for the period 2008 - 2011. The document focused on 1) the international legal framework; 2) prevention, mediation and reconstruction; 3) international cooperation; 4) peace missions and 5) harmonisation and coordination.
Preparations for the second NAP 1325 for the period 2012 - 2015 were supported by 58 partner organisations. Its objectives included: 1) equal participation by women and men in peace and reconstruction processes at all decisionmaking levels; 2) implementation of the 1325 principles in the policies and programs of all participating partners; 3) lobby and advocacy for 1325 in all relevant international fora and 4) effective and efficient cooperation between the signatories of the NAP 1325 and other relevant organizations. A number of focus countries and regions were selected: Afghanistan, Burundi, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Sudan and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
2015 IOB Evaluation Gender, Peace and Security, Evaluation of the Netherlands and UN Security Council Resolution 1325
NAP 3 2016-2019
The NAP1325 partners decided in 2019 to extend the duration of NAP1325 3 with one year.
Bulletin on UN Security Country Resolution 1325 in Women, Peace and Security Timeline: