1964: The founding of the DGIS

The Directorate-General International Cooperation

The Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) is one of the departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was founded in April 1964. The DGIS is a thematic directorate where knowledge and expertise about one or more topics of foreign policy are brought together.

At present, the DGIS consists of five different smaller directorates/units: 

Inclusive Green Growth Directorate (IGG) 

The IGG advocates for sustainable use of natural resources for everyone, with a focus on four themes: Climate, Water, Food Security and Energy, and Earth Resources and Polar Areas. 

Sustainable Economic Development Directorate (DDE) 

The DDE works to develop a private sector that contributes to improving income and providing a future perspective for people in developing countries, all while minimizing the impact on natural resources. 

Stability and Humanitarian Assistance Directorate (DSH) 

DSH is responsible for promoting security, rule of law, good governance, reconstruction, and humanitarian aid in conflict areas and fragile states. 

Social Development Directorate (DSO) 

The DSO focuses on social development and addresses various themes such as sexual health, gender equality, and HIV/AIDS. 

Bureau of International Cooperation (BIS) 

The BIS works with cross-cutting themes linked to development cooperation. It identifies trends, both globally and in the Netherlands, and provides advice for the strategic policy agenda. 

For more information about the above directorates/units, please see the website of the Dutch government on DGIS (link provided below). 
