The multi-annual plans were collaborative efforts between ministries; for the agricultural sector in particular between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Depending on the local context, other ministries were consulted. These country plans were formulated in close consultation with the national and decentralized structures of government of partner countries, NGOs and other civil society organisations, and the Dutch and local private sector. One of the main objectives was to reduce fragmentation and increase effectiveness and efficiency through coordinated efforts. In many low income countries agricultural development and food security became priority sectors for collaboration between the Netherlands and the country in question. This also created a platform for policy dialogue and economic diplomacy.
In 2011 fast track missions focusing specifically on quick wins to promote agricultural development and food security were conducted to support embassies in formulating strategies that would accelerate agricultural development and food security in six partner countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Mali, Kenya and Rwanda) in the context of the new second generation MASPs, Multi-Annual Strategic Plans (2012-2015) [1].