Specific points of attention in the letter are (1) access to healthy and safe food for young children and mothers, (2) gender (women’s empowerment), (3) employment in primary agricultural production and processing of food (value chains) for young people, (4) innovations in the food sector, (5) climate change adaptation and (6) reduction of food losses. In the letter there is also a call to create and exploit opportunities for the Dutch private sector and knowledge institutions a.o. in introducing new financing mechanisms and digital technologies. The seed sector (SeedNL) is highlighted as an example of a successful partnership to involve Dutch partners in development cooperation efforts to increase food production and agricultural productivity. An example of innovative use of digital technology is the STAMP Project (Sustainable Technology Adaptation for Mali’s Pastoralists) implemented by the Netherlands Space Office in collaboration with SNV that was introduced in the context of the Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) program. Efforts to use digital technologies are expected to increase in the coming years.
[1] Brief van de Minister voor Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking/Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (juni 2019)