1995 Beijing: Fourth UN World Conference on Women


Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is considered the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing women’s rights. As a defining framework for change, the Platform for Action made comprehensive commitments under 12 critical areas of concern.

In each critical area of concern, the problem is diagnosed and strategic objectives are proposed with concrete actions to be taken by various actors in order to achieve those objectives. The objectives and actions are interlinked, of high priority and mutually reinforcing. The Platform for Action is intended to improve the situation of all women, without exception, who often face similar barriers, while special attention should be given to groups that are the most disadvantaged.

The framework covers 12 areas of concerns

  1. Women and the environment
  2. Women in power and decision making
  3. The girl-child
  4. Women and the economy
  5. Women and poverty
  6. Violence against women
  7. Human rights of women
  8. Education and training of women
  9. Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women
  10. Women and health
  11. Women and the media
  12. Women and armed conflict


Sources and Read More

UN: Fourth World Conference on Women

Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women