Timeline Guide

The focus of this timeline is to explain the role of groundwater in serving the worlds (productive and non-productive) water needs. It highlights the opportunities that groundwater offers if knowledge and management of the resource are in place.


Albert Tuinhof; Frits Dirks; Ebel Smidt; Job Kleijn; Loukie Levert

Resource persons:
Co de Vries; Koos Groen; Arjen de Vries


General information

This timeline is based on the private collections of resource persons and the collection of The Netherlands International Cooperation Collection (Stichting NICC).

General Information on groundwater as a resource is presented in the video in the next bullet. The following bullet gives a list of interesting books, short notes, and other videos with information about the various facets of groundwater and its use&management

The Netherlands International Cooperation Collection (Stichting NICC).