1980 Copenhagen: Second World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace


On the 11th of December 1980, the representatives of 145 Member States met in Copenhagen for the second world conference on women. The goal was to review and appraise the 1975 World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year. Over all this was a time in which importance of the International Women's Movement increased.

Policy attention was aimed at influencing development cooperation policy officials, agencies and organisations that deal with development cooperation such as the Dutch co-financing organizations (MFOs), NUFFIC (the Dutch institution dealing with bursaries for developing coutries), SNV (the Netherlands Development Organisation) and support to women's organizations in developing countries, participation in various forums at home and abroad.

The conference influenced policy in UN organisations such as FAO.

Themes: task reduction and strengthening of the economic position of women, health care, female headed households and independence of women.

Sources and Read More

Second UN International Conference on Women in Copenhagen

Report of the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace