This document summarises the results of a study of the premises underlying the Dutch policy for women’s rights and gender equality. It is structured around the themes that are also covered in IOB’s gender policy evaluation:
- Violence against women
- Educating women and girls
- Women as economic actors
- Women and land rights
- Women and water and sanitation
- Women’s political voice
Underlying arguments
Study of the Dutch international gender policy showed that it combines two lines of reasoning justifying attention to the issue of women’s rights and gender equality. First of all, there are rights-based elements: equality of women and men is one of the fundamentals of society, or ought to be, and women have the same rights as men, or ought to have. This aspect is linked to a range of international conventions and agreements. Secondly, there have been instrumental arguments: equality and equal rights are better for economic growth, reducing poverty, increasing food security, governance that aligns with women’s needs, etc.
Report's structure
This report elaborates each theme independently in every chapter. Additionally, the report also elaborates the organizational factors of gender equality.
Further Reading
Full Report of the IOB's study on the premises underlying the Dutch policy for women's rights and gender equality