This timeline shows the (chronological) 50+ years of history of the cooperation between Bangladesh and the Netherlands on water. This timeline addresses the sub-sectors of integrated water resources management (IWRM) and water, sanitation and health (WASH). The developments over time in water related policies, the international sphere, the Netherlands and Bangladesh and the impacts in specific projects are described. The history of the developments in the water sector in Bangladesh is included. In addition, this timeline also shows the different practices and projects in which Dutch water sector partners have been involved in the Bangladeshi water sector. The final bullet of this timeline briefly describes the main results and the lessons learned.
Note on IWRM and WASH: The water sector is often subdivided in two sub-sectors: Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) or ‘water management’ and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), previously also referred to as Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS). IWRM typically deals with managing water resources, such as flood control, drainage and irrigation (FCDI), water as a production factor and water for ecosystems. WASH relates to safe drinking water supply and improved sanitation as required for a healthy life. This timeline often distinguishes water management and WASH, though there are also many interrelationships between the two.
In the last bullet of this time-line you can find a list of water management & WASH projects in Bangladesh
Resource persons
Gert Uittenbogaard, Koen de Wilde
Kitty Bentvelsen, Tessa Sanne Foekens
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