1981 - 1982: Cornelis (Kees) Pieter van Dijk

Kees van Dijk was only in office for a year. He mainly continued the policy of his predecessor Jan de Koning. However, he did put an end to the policy freedom of the NCO; which led to a major crisis at the NCO which had to continue under new conditions. Poverty reduction and economic self-reliance remained the focus of this minister's policy.

Van Dijk was immediately confronted with financial re-evaluations upon taking office. He managed to maintain the one-and-a-half percent target with difficulty, but he had to agree to an artificial increase in the resources annually allocated to the development aid budget. Van Dijk furthermore intensified contacts with the business community. 

Like De Koning, Van Dijk opted for a more business-like approach to development cooperation. Policy preparation was given a more structured form and the top of the civil service was also strengthened.
